The British version may dominate the US Kovid-19 cases in March, preliminary study finds. Coronavirus

The British version may dominate the US Kovid-19 cases in March, preliminary study finds.  Coronavirus

A new study published on the forum MedRxiv This Sunday (7) revealed that the British version, known as B.1.1.7, Is spreading rapidly in the United States. According to the researchers, the transmission rate is 30% to 40% more than the most common mutation, Every week and a half. The study has not yet been reviewed by other scientists or published in a scientific journal.

According to the researchers, the variant has been found in at least 30 states in January. “The US is on a similar trajectory to other countries, where B.1.1.7 quickly became the SARS-CoV-2 version. It is almost certain that she will become Major dynasty in March 2021“, Says the study.

Scientists analyzed half a million coronavirus tests and 212 American genomes. In Florida, studies estimate that more than 4% of cases are now caused by the British version. The national number can be 1% or 2%. If the calculation is correct, then one thousand or more people may be infected differently every day.

Another study, released in December last year, has already been reported that the British version may be 70% more infectious than the “original” virus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), B.1.1.7 is moving in 80 countries.

For now, three versions of SARS-CoV-2 are in the scientists’ attention:

  • B.1.1.7Identified in December 2020 in the United Kingdom.
  • 501Y.V2, Is found in South Africa (also known as B.1351).
  • P.1., Brazilian variant initially revealed in Manaus

They concern experts because they are in protein S (from the spike) located in the crown of the virus. It connects to the receiver ACE2 Of human cells, the main gateway for new coronovirus infection.

Oxford vaccine effective against British variant, preliminary study says

1 minute Oxford vaccine effective against British variant, preliminary study says

Oxford vaccine effective against British variant, preliminary study says

The data indicated that the immunizer also avoids the variant B.1.1.7. Testing is still ongoing, but the effectiveness is estimated at 75% in relation to this version. The results were published by other researchers without modification or in a previous edition published in a scientific journal.

Effective vaccines against variants

Developers are already testing their immunizers against new variants identified worldwide. Researchers at the University of Oxford reported on Friday (5) that the vaccine against Kovid-19 was developed by the university in partnership with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca Is effective against the British version.

Pfizer I modern He also announced that his vaccines, both with messenger RNA technology, managed to neutralize two variants of coronaviruses in the laboratory: British (B.1.1.7) and South African (B.1351 or 501Y.V2).

VIDEOS: news about the vaccine

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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