The day the equipment is turned off in the US, a woman in a coma by covid will wake up. World

The day the equipment is turned off in the US, a woman in a coma by covid will wake up.  World

A woman who spent more than a month in a coma after contracting COVID-19 woke up the day the braces that helped her survive were closed in Portland America,

The family decided to authorize the dismissal after doctors explained that 69-year-old Bettina Lerman had no chance of survival. According to her son Andrew, he had said she would never wake up.

Betina’s case escalated because she is diabetic and had recently undergone surgery to implant a quadruple pacemaker. Doctors said his lungs were “completely destroyed” by the disease and that he had been intubated from the start of his stay.

Andrew told the Washington Post that, after his mother’s abdication, he and his brothers went to the town of Tavares, Florida, delivered the rented house where she lived and donated much of their belongings.

The children then began planning the funeral, even choosing the coffin, headstone and clothing in which she would be buried, so that the mother could have the best ceremony possible.

Then, on 29 October, he received a call from the hospital informing him that Bettina had woken up. Andrew said that he also dropped the phone, he was very surprised by the news.

Still hospitalized and with the help of a respirator, the woman has already exited the intensive care ward, and the next step is to begin rehabilitation treatment. Professionals at the hospital where she is recovering call her a “medical miracle.”

Andrew, who was also not vaccinated, told the Washington Post that his own illness and the severity of his mother’s case prompted him to reconsider his decision not to be vaccinated, and that he would now seek the vaccination.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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