The election ballot box in Israel indicates the loss of Netanyahu. world

The election ballot box in Israel indicates the loss of Netanyahu.  world

Polls show that there is no clear winner in voting. General election Of Israel, Held this Tuesday (23).

After initially pointing out an advantage for current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to sew up an alliance and, ultimately, to remain in power, an update of the numbers suggests that the Prime Minister would hardly get that alliance.

According to the most recent data, compiled by the Haaretz website, the governing party will not be able to get a minimum of 61 seats in the name of the Israeli parliament in Likud, the Knesset – nor has it received support from the right-wing sect of Yamina, the Netanyahu coalition. Remains reticent to support.

See how the scenario is, according to data from the largest Israeli broadcasters compiled by the Heterz website:

Israeli Prime Minister and Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu and Yash Atid Party President Yair Lapid – Photo: Jack Gues / Emmanuel Dunand / AFP

According to the average of surveys published by the three main Israeli TV stations, the Hatrez website has been released, as follows:

  • Likud, The current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party should keep 30 out of 120 cassette chairs. To reach a majority, they must guarantee nationalist, conservative totals and even the support of Arab leaders.
  • Yash Adid by Yash Lapid – one of Netanyahu’s biggest opponents – should arrive 18 seats In the parliament. For this reason, it will have to gain a broad coalition among opponents of the current government and even rely on the support of groups on the right.
  • Right wing party Yamina, Of Naftali Bennett, Everything else in the definition of the new government must be faithful: 7 seats Which, in the end, may decide a tiebreaker.
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Bennett has not publicly decided whether to support Netanyahu. However, during a television program on Sunday, he said that he would not support Lapid in a coalition for the new Israeli government to be finalized.

Opposition party candidate Yesh Lapid, Yash Attid, votes for the Israeli elections on Tuesday (23) in Tel Aviv – Photo: Corinna Kern / Reuters

So Lapid will try to form an alliance with the left, center and right parties disappointed with the Prime Minister. In his campaign, he adopted a moderate tone, focusing on issues of democracy, economics and epidemic management by the government.

Ballot indicates a decline in party relevance blue and white, By Benny Gantz. In the last three votes, Likud directly competed against the opponent, and the deadlock was only temporarily resolved when the two agreed to form an alliance during the pandemic – the recently broken coalition. Consequently, the association should only be left with Seven chairs.

Vaccine Elections and Trials

Woman gets vaccine in Tel Aviv Bar, Israel – Photo: Corinna Cairn / Reuters

A year after the onset of the epidemic, Israel appears to be on its way to overcoming Kovid-19, thanks to a worldwide supposed vaccination campaign that has already allowed the administration of two required doses in 49% of the population Has given

The general election in Israel is a thermometer for Netanyahu

But the last year has also marked the inauguration of two lawsuits against the Prime Minister for corruption and abuse of power, which has led to a series of protests even in the midst of the country’s three lockdowns. For example, for example, thousands gathered in front of Netanyahu’s house in Jerusalem to demand his release from power.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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