The player ends the Elden Ring without attacking enemies.

The player ends the Elden Ring without attacking enemies.

elden ring There’s a different mechanic from other FromSoftware games: Summons. Using spirits, players can have allies to fight bosses and some monsters without attacking them directly. Demonstrating this feature for a “pacifist” campaign, a player proceeds and ends the game without attacking the opponents.

Content creator “Iron Pineapple” decided to put the idea of ​​an end to the test elden ring Without attacking the map’s bosses and enemies directly. He used summons during more complex battles, while one of the main challenges was keeping teammates alive in battle. For this, the youtuber used the prophet class, which has the ability to fix the area. In this way, he was able to keep his freshman and NPC alive while attacking the bosses.

In some situations, using “gravity” for falling damage to eliminate certain enemies, such as the Star Scourge Radan, became necessary. Iron Pineapple even jokes that it was not his character who killed the enemy, but his downfall. Although it seemed like an easy task while watching the video, you can see how much care and attention is required by the player to achieve this feat.

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elden ring available for Playstation 4, Xbox one, playstation 5, xbox series, xbox series x and PC.

Source: eurogamer

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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