The US reported the most recent Code-19 cases in the last two days

The US reported the most recent Code-19 cases in the last two days

So far in October, 29 states have registered new cases. (Representative)

The past two days have seen the highest number of new Cowid-19 cases in the United States, making the epidemic a top issue as Vice President Mike Pence continues to campaign despite the positive response from close allies. Travel.

The United States reported 79,852 new infections on Saturday, close to the 84,244 new cases recorded the previous day. According to a Reuters report, hospital admissions are also on the rise, reaching a two-month high and deaths are on the rise.

So far in October, 29 states have set new record growth cases, including five important ones in the November 3 presidential election: Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Cases in the Midwest set a new record on Saturday and the number of COVID-19 hospitalized patients in the region reached a record high for the ninth day in a row.

According to a Reuters analysis, hospitals in many states, including North Dakota, are stressful, with the most difficult cases per capita in recent times.

The city of El Paso, Texas is asking residents to stay home for the next two weeks, and the vast El Paso County has closed its parks and recreation facilities for 14 days.

In addition, a judge in El Paso County ordered a curfew from 10 a.m. Sunday to 5 p.m. The curfew order took effect immediately, but does not apply to essential employees or travelers.

In the past three weeks, the number of COV-19 hospital admissions in the El Paso area has tripled, according to state figures.

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Angela Mora, the city’s director of public health, said in a statement: “If we continue this trend, we risk detrimental effects on our entire healthcare system.

“Those hospital admissions and health care workers are working tirelessly every day to take care of them. We can ask you to stay home for two weeks and end your relationship with people outside your home. Until we can widen the curve. “

On Saturday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott asked the federal government to allow the use of the Army Medical Center at Fort Bliss to reduce the burden on hospitals by non-coronavirus patients.

On Sunday, Abbott said state emergency management officials will open an alternate care site this week, initially with 50 beds, at the El Paso Convention and Performing Arts Center.

New White Houses Out BREAK

Pence’s Chief of Staff, Mark Short, Saturday’s positive test as well as several other senior assistants. Despite the spread, the White House said the vice president will campaign, traveling to North Carolina on Sunday and to Minnesota on Monday.

The new infections are reminiscent of Trump’s approach – he was hospitalized for three nights this month after signing a COVID-19 contract – and people around him wear masks and follow social distance guidelines. Rejecting the advice of public health experts to prevent COVID-19. Communication.

Asked by CNN’s “State of the Union” why Pence was not following guidelines for the control and prevention of various diseases 14 days after such exposure, Meadows on Sunday called for the vice president. Described as “essential employees”.

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Following the latest outbreak, health experts described September 26 as a super-spread event at the White House, where President Donald Trump announced the nomination of Amy Connie Barrett to the Supreme Court.

(Except for the headline, this story is not edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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