The whale runs away after being chased by the boat; The crew ‘just laugh’ – Metro World News Brasilia

The whale runs away after being chased by the boat;  The crew ‘just laugh’ – Metro World News Brasilia

a sailboat if collided with a whale After chasing it in the waters of the Beagle Channel, in the Patagonia region of Argentina. Despite being in April this year, a recording of the hit-and-run has recently gone viral.

According to the Association of Employees and Lawyers for Animal Rights (Afda), the sailboat’s crew “just laughed” when they fled. The sailboat was identified by the Argentine Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development as Inismara Re 34586.

In the record, it is possible to see the boat moving towards the animal. Then the sailboat collides with the whale. The hit-and-run occurred in the Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego on the Beagle Strait, which separates Argentina from Chile.

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Measures to be taken against those responsible for trampling

According to the Association of Animal Rights Officials and Lawyers (Afda), the agency will take “legal action against those who hit the whale. An unprecedented incident”. “They just laughed and left the scene,” the organization said in a statement, published by the newspaper La Nacional.

according to the newspaper EarthAfda pointed out that “the lack of regulation in the field of animal welfare as a result of the incident in the Beagle Channel” in addition to pointing out the need for a law to “protect and improve the living conditions of the animals.”

The agency indicated the need for filing complaints in similar cases. Because, in this situation, in addition to the institutions monitoring the area, it is “essential in case the whales appear trapped”, which is able to identify and prove the damage caused to the mammal.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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