Trump’s former attorneys are subject to search warrants in NY

Trump’s former attorneys are subject to search warrants in NY

Investigators issued a search warrant in the apartment and in the office Rudolf Giuliani, For former personal lawyer Donald Trump And the ex-mayor of New York, this Wednesday (28).

This information was first revealed by The New York Times and later confirmed by The Washington Post. Electronic devices were seized in the lawyer’s apartment.

Prosecutors obtained a court order in a criminal investigation into Giuliani’s dealings with Ukrainians – the lawyer may have violated lobbying laws because he was a personal lawyer for the former president of the United States at the same time.

At the same time, according to the newspaper, Ukrainian officials and oligarchs helped the lawyer with information about Trump’s political rivals, including current US President Joe Biden.

Trump faced impeachment for lobbying Ukraine to investigate the son of his biggest rival, Joe Biden, in exchange for money for security (the first of the two he faced while in office). The other was to provoke an invasion of the Capitol in January of this year.

The former US president was convicted by the Chamber in both cases, but both of them were acquitted in the Senate.

Meet Ukraine, country at center of first impeachment process against Trump

Trump was accusedIn September 2019, Trying to recruit foreign power to interfere in 2020 presidential election In your favor

At the time, Biden was the leading Democratic candidate for the White House and a likely opponent in the presidential election the following year.

Biden was elected as the Democratic nominee and Defeated trump, Who refused to give up.

US President Joe Biden hugged first lady Jill Biden, her son Hunter and daughter Ashley after being sworn in during the presidential inauguration at the US Capitol on 20 January this year.

2 impeachment process

Erstwhile american president The alleged fraud was never proved in the election and urged his supporters not to accept the result..

Protest against Republican defeat ends US Congress Headquarters Invades the Capitol, The day the deployment and senators confirmed Biden’s victory.

recently, Two Capitol Police Officers Sued Former US President Because of the invasion and the injuries he suffered.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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