Trump’s Middle East Peace Deal Rejects “Traditional Wisdom”: State Department

Trump’s Middle East Peace Deal Rejects “Traditional Wisdom”: State Department

President TrumpMiddle East peace deals, including Latest Friday between Israel and Sudan, Are “unparalleled” for the region Department of State Spokesman Morgan Ortagas said Saturday.

Announcing the US-brokered deal at the Oval Office on Friday, the president said, “There will be many more peace deals. Middle East

Ortags, appearing onFox and Friends Weekend“It’s important to keep the agreements in context, noting that until two months ago, it was 26 years since relations between the Arab world and the Jewish state normalized,” he said.

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“Now, in just two months, we have three,” Ortagas told co-host Pete Hagseth, a “fundamental change” in the region.

He credits Trump’s foreign policy, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and senior White House adviser and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who have changed the way America looks at the Middle East.

“We have rejected the traditional wisdom that both political parties, Washington, D.C. Was on both sides of the Fortress, where we said we were going to give strength to Israel and our Arab allies and friends, and we were told by all of them. We will build World War III, and instead we now have three Arab-Israeli peace agreements, “Ortagas said.

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He said Arab countries had said for years that they would not negotiate with Israel unless a deal was reached with the Palestinians.

“They also look at the state of Israel and say that it is an economic powerhouse, an oil-free country, without the natural resources that its neighbors have, although it has a strong economy, in fact technology and military. Strong in systems, “so these countries have decided that they are better off than open partnerships, especially against the Republic of Iran, our enemy.”

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When Trump set his sights on peace in the Middle East in February, he said he hoped the Israeli-Palestinian peace deal would be broken, which he touched on Friday.

“Palestinians, they want to do something.” I am sure it will happen, “said the President.

A growing number of Arab countries formalizing relations with Israel, including the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, have been condemned by Palestinians, who are calling for a two-state solution. Egypt and Jordan were the only two Arab states to officially recognize Israel.

T Ratagus called the recent developments a “drastic change” for the Middle East, and especially for Sudan.

Friday’s deal, which will deepen Sudan’s ties with the West, follows Trump’s conditional agreement this week to remove the North African country from the list of state sponsors of terrorism if it compensates American victims of terrorist attacks. Pays

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Announcing the deal, Pompeo said at a ceremony that the victims of the terror attack would receive from 335 million in compensation from Sudan.

The money is for the victims of the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania by the al Qaeda network while its leader Osama bin Laden was living in Sudan. Trump said on Tuesday that he would remove Sudan from the list once the funds were transferred.

Fox News’ Morgan Phillips contributed to this report.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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