US companies began to pay for abortions of employees; See list – poca Negócios

US companies began to pay for abortions of employees;  See list – poca Negócios

Amazon is one of the companies that expanded benefits to abort employees (Photo: Pixabay)

In the coming weeks, the United States Supreme Court is expected to overturn a decision it had held in 1973. right to abortion Protected by the country’s constitution. trend was detected contract, leaked on Monday (2), contains the majority opinion of the Court on the subject. looking at it big US companies has positioned itself on the subject and is expanding the health benefits offered to its employees.

Brands like Apple, Amazon, Citibank and Levi’s will start pay expenses Abortion is included with travel and even in the roll of medical insurance coverage, even outside the states where employees live.

With the Supreme Court’s changing understanding of abortion, each US state would be allowed to finalize its own rules on the subject. It is expected that 20 states will ban the procedure or, in most situations, restrict it.

For example, Amazon said it would add a $4,000 benefit for employees to address health issues outside their cities, be it medical or fertility issues. Citibank Group is expected to increase health benefits, including airfare and accommodation coverage, if necessary.

+ Donations to abortion clinics and activists increased after US Supreme Court leak

Another brand that Tinder app owner Match Group positioned itself was creating a fund to give employees access to money to pay for abortion expenses. Uber, on the other hand, must offer rides to customers seeking fertility care in another state, in addition to committing to paying a fee to drivers who are fined for taking passengers to abortion clinics. .

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Roe v. Uda

Until 1973, most US states considered abortion a crime. But in 1970 in Texas, a young woman — aka Jane Roe — challenged the constitutionality of the local law, and three years later, the Supreme Court ruled on the legality of abortion nationwide.

Around the age of 50 the subject returns to the center of judicial discussion. According to a document leaked by the Politico news agency, judges must reverse the current decision and pass the case for debate between deputies and senators.

Check out the list of companies that have announced pro-abortion measures:

– Amazon
– Apple
– Citigroup
– HP Enterprise
– Levi’s
– match
– sales force
– Uber

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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