US Presidential Election 2020 Breaking News, Vice President Debate News and Updates

US Presidential Election 2020 Breaking News, Vice President Debate News and Updates

US President Donald Trump speaks with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden during the first 2020 presidential campaign debate on September 29, 2020 at the Cleveland Clinic campus at Case Weston Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

US President Donald Trump has challenged President Biden to “The The only bad candidate in US historyReferring to some of the Democratic leader’s recent remarks. “I am running against the worst candidate in the history of US presidential politics and you know what it does? It puts more pressure on me. Can you imagine losing to a guy like that? Trump told supporters at the Pennsylvania State Stadium on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Anthony Fossey, the top US public health official, told CBS Evening News in an interview that Trump is no longer able to spread the novel coronavirus and could not go to Town Hall on Thursday without putting others at risk. Are Fawcett said he and his partner, Clifford Lane, came to this conclusion after reviewing all of the Covid-19 tests performed by the president at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and additional tests performed at the NIH laboratory. .

on the other hand, Found in a survey While nearly half of Indian Americans acknowledge the performance of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, they are committed despite the apparent democracy between Modi and US President Donald Trump – with 68 per cent voting for Biden and 22 per cent for Trump. Democracies remain.

The survey, conducted by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Johns Hopkins University and the University of Pennsylvania and released on Wednesday, however, found that Indian Americans voting for the current Trump administration have a more favorable view of Modi. Democratic candidate Biden (52/100) out of 100.

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The survey also comes as 41.61 lakh strong minority communities look at their voting options, one for politics in India and two for Democrat Vice President-elect Kamala Harris of Indian descent. “While Republicans are more bullish on Modi, it’s important to point out that Democrats still look at him a lot. Milan Vaishnav, chief researcher and senior fellow at the South Asia Program in Carnegie, told The Indian Express that the general perception is that Trump supporters are pro-Modi and anti-Modi is anti-Trump.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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