VIDEO: Camera caught meteor crash in Norway | World

VIDEO: Camera caught meteor crash in Norway |  World

a Norway This Sunday (25) a meteor fall was recorded, which briefly illuminated the sky and caused a loud noise. There are no immediate reports of injury or damage.

A camera in Holmstrand, south of the capital Oslo, recorded the moment a fireball fell from the sky and exploded in a spectacular flash, illuminating a marina. BBC reports that The meteor traveled at a speed of 16.3 km per second.

The first reports began to be sent at 1:00 a.m. local time. The incident was observed about 393 km from Oslo, in Trondheim, Norway’s northernmost city.

According to experts consulted by Reuters, a part of the meteor may have hit Earth at some place not far from the capital.

Norwegian Meteor Network says preliminary data suggests it may have landed in a wooded area known as finmarca, 60 km west of the capital.

Videos and other data are being used to define the meteor’s origin and destination. “That was crazy,” said Meteor’s Morton Billet.

“Last night we had a huge rock traveling between Mars and Jupiter, which is our asteroid belt. And when it does, it creates a bang, a light and a lot of excitement among us (the experts) and Maybe some fear among others.” Billet said.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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