Why can’t Trump accept his defeat?

Why can’t Trump accept his defeat?
Washington: With his defeat in the US presidential election, Donald Trump He finds himself fighting against tagging with a label that he often applies to his opponents but one that completely competes with his own brand: “Loser.”
The Republican is taking legal action in several battlefield states, although his lawyers have so far failed to substantiate the allegations of fraud and observers have underestimated the likelihood of the vote being overturned.
Yet, according to scholars and mental health professionals, the same dictatorial qualities that define Trump’s rise to power and his presidency make it almost impossible for a Democratic president-elect to digest a concession. Joe Biden.
He warns that after the election, the pre-inauguration period could be a volatile one for the country.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University, told AFP that Trump had tried to establish a “presidential dictatorial model” based on “arrogance, ruthlessness and the idea that he must defend his enemies.” .
“It’s easy to claim that the whole election was a fraud, but to believe that his policies turned a large number of people against him to ensure his defeat,” added the author of the forthcoming book: “Strongman: Mussolini Presents . ”
He claimed to have suffered at the hands of unknown forces and said that we could continue with him and delay in giving concessional speeches to the people.
“We need to consider what he can do in the coming months in a fair manner,” she argued.
This conclusion was shared by Baltimore-based psychologist John Gartner, who is among a growing number of mental health professionals who have publicly warned that Trump is a “dangerous narcissist.”
People who have this type of personality – first developed by the famous Psychological Arch Forum to explain the “capital of evil” – show a display of narcissism, social personality disorder, irony and sadness.
Gartner said he was concerned that Trump could try to use the “Nero Decree” or “Scorched Earth” strategy as a means of dealing with his deficit.
But he added that he was hopeful that the president would start losing control of some of his followers in the face of huge losses.
For Mary TrumpThe decision by the president’s niece and her fiercest critic, her uncle, to declare herself the winner of the election and accuse her opponent of cheating spoke of her frustration in situations she was not used to. .
“Donald has never lived in a place where he had no one to bail him out, no one to buy him,” the clinical psychologist, who wrote a memo to his uncle over the summer, told MSNBC. .
In his book, he argues that the president is a product of his “sociopath” father, Fred Trump, who created a disgusting and painful domestic life.
Trump has built his public profile on the idea of ​​becoming a winner – first in the rough world of real estate in New York, and later on the show “The Apprentice” where he presented a mythological picture of his business acumen. Despite corporate bankruptcy.
He also tried to break his record as a big business owner with the lifestyle of his big opponents. In 2015, he famously dubbed the late Senator John McCain “I like people who weren’t caught,” said one “loser” and Vietnam’s elderly and prisoner of war.
In the weeks leading up to the election, Trump told supporters in Georgia that Biden was “the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics.”
“Can you imagine if I lost?” “Maybe I should leave the country,” he said.
Lawrence Douglas, author of “Will He Go? Trump and the Looming Election Meltdown in 2020,” argued that there are discriminating reasons for staying in office.
With millions of dollars in debt, he faces defamation charges from women who have accused him of sexual harassment and even possible criminal charges over his business dealings – when he is no longer president. Then his exemption expires.
But beyond that, Trump’s refusal to accept helps keep his contact with the base alive, Douglas said. “In defeat, his brand will remain intact for his supporters.”

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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