With high theft, drivers leave the trunk open in the US; Understand – International

With high theft, drivers leave the trunk open in the US;  Understand – International
Drivers leave trunk open to avoid damage from theft in the US (Photo: ABC News/Reproduo)

It’s not uncommon to find great tips on the Internet to avoid a robbery or theft. However, a tactic used by residents of the city of San Francisco in the United States caught the attention of Internet users around the world.

Without effective options to prevent break-in of vehicles in the city, some drivers have, in a way, “accepted the situation” and began to look for ways to reduce the financial loss caused by theft.

With this type of crime becoming more and more common, a section of the population started leaving the car trunk open. The choice makes the thief’s job easier, but on the other hand, it represents an appeal to reduce the damage caused by broken glass.

According to data released by the San Francisco Police Department, there was a 32 percent increase in the number of broken cars in the past year. There has also been a significant increase in the number of vehicle thefts, which has increased by 25% as compared to 2020.

The police do not recommend tactics. In an interview with ABC News, Garrett Tom, the former deputy chief of the local police, was shocked. “I’m shocked. A lot can go wrong with this, robbers can steal your battery, you can steal your tires, they can break into your car and find out where you live,” he said.

City halls in cities near San Francisco, such as Oakland, are also warning residents not to repeat the attitude. Ideally, officials ensure that valuables are not left inside vehicles and that all doors and windows are kept closed.

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* Internship under the supervision of sub-editor Ellen Christie.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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