2020 poll live: Fresh challenges emerge after Trump takes Biden to three battlefields

2020 poll live: Fresh challenges emerge after Trump takes Biden to three battlefields
US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden

Speaking Thursday in Tampa, Florida, the president told supporters of his Sunshine State: “If Florida is blue, it’s over ਵਿਚ the heart and soul of this country is at stake in Florida. It’s up to you. The key. “

Mr Biden is in Iowa on Friday while his running mate Kamala Harris is in Texas as the Democratic ticket is the target of another Red State. Mr Trump has spoken of returning to Wisconsin and Michigan to boost support, with 81.1m ballots already in place on Tuesday, ahead of Election Day.


US voters will not accept Kamala Harris’ presidency Independent The poll finds

U.S. citizens have indicated they will not allow Biden’s running mate to become commander-in-chief, according to a special poll. Independent.

Only 28 percent of voters agreed that Harris should be elected president, while 44 percent actively objected.

When voters voted for Biden, 44 percent said they would support the Harris president, while 20 percent said they would not.

Daniel Zoellner reports.

Joe Somerlad30 October 2020 11:55


Most Americans return the national mask fatwa Independent The poll finds

When asked about the implementation of the nationwide mask fatwa in the United States, 58 percent of Americans agreed that there should be one to fight the coronavirus, while only 22 percent disagreed. Independent Poll with JL Partners.

Daniel Zoellner reports.

Joe Somerlad30 October 2020 11:26


The opposition left for the Midwest in the final week of the election campaign

Biden is in Iowa on Friday – with upcoming trips to Wisconsin and Minnesota – while his running mate Kamala Harris is in Texas as the Democratic ticket is the target of another Red State.

Trump is also returning to Wisconsin and Michigan in the last-ditch to increase support.

Michigan and Wisconsin were two of the three historically Democratic industrial states, along with Pennsylvania, which received a narrow majority in Republican 2016, giving it a troubled victory. Minnesota, which has not voted for the GOP’s presidential candidate since 1972, is one of the few Democratic states that Trump is trying to fly this year.

Trump has embroiled Biden in a series of national elections for months, partly because of his widespread disapproval of dealing with the coronavirus. Polls in the most competitive states, however, have seen close races.

The epidemic, as well as an extraordinary level of enthusiasm, prompted Americans to vote in unprecedented numbers. U.S. at Florida University. Already, more than 81.1 million votes have been cast, either by mail or in person, more than half of the total votes cast in the entire 2016 election, according to the BJP’s election project.

The influx of mail-in ballots suggests that winners from several states, including major battlefields such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, will not be clear Tuesday night, as election officials expect the counting to take a few days.

On Thursday, a federal appeals court barred Minnesota election officials from implementing a plan to count the number of votes cast within a week of Election Day until they are postmarked by next Tuesday.

Mu-voting figures show that so far many Democrats have voted by mail, while Republicans are expected to come out in large numbers on Tuesday.

That means results from states like Pennsylvania that don’t start counting mail-in ballots until Election Day could show Trump in the lead before moving on.

Democracy-heavy belts are included, a phenomenon some have called “red mirza” and “blue shift”. Many Pennsylvania lawmakers have said they will not begin counting mail-in ballots until Wednesday.

Joe Somerlad30 October 2020 10:28


Biden and Trump Attack Latin American Dictators to Win Florida Voters

The Democrat was also in Tampa and, in fact, joined the president as part of a late appeal by dictatorial leaders in Central and South America to win the Spanish-speaking electorate.

This, of course, was a more steadfast stance of Biden, despite the fact that Trump admires the politician’s “powerful” style and prefers fancy himself in a pair of military epilators.

Justin Vallejo has what the candidates said.

Joe Somerlad30 October 2020 10:07


Trump tells Tampa: ‘If Florida turns blue, it’s over. it’s over’

Speaking on the sidelines of the campaign in his adopted state, Sunshine State, on Thursday, the president told supporters: “If Florida turns blue, it’s over … the heart of this country in Florida and Life is at stake. You have it. You hold the key. “

John T. Bennett has this report.

Joe Somerlad30 October 2020 10:06


Biden before Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania

Donald Trump is trailing rival Joe Biden in three key swing states, losing by a narrow margin in Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, according to the latest Hill / Harris poll.

Polling Mark Payne commented, “Biden’s position in the major swing states last week shows that Trump has so far been unable to create the momentum needed to close the gap.”

The challenger leads the Florida presidency with three points, 50 percent to 47 percent, three percent is still undefeated (who are they ?!)

In North Carolina, in North Carolina, Biden’s lead is just one point: 49 percent to 48 percent. Again, three percent of respondents said they were not sure who to vote for – even in the final stages of the process.

Although his biggest lead is in his native Pennsylvania, where he leads with 5 percent of the vote, Trump received 46 percent.

“In Florida, Trump has secured a Latin vote for a Republican, but there are problems with seniors worried about the coronavirus,” Payne commented.

“In North Carolina, Trump is getting fewer votes without a black vote and moving to the suburbs to get a suburb closer.

“In Pennsylvania, Trump has strong support from rural support, but in the suburbs, Biden is beating him, where Democrats are leading by a wide margin.”

Joe Somerlad30 October 2020 09:41


Hello and welcome Of independent Rolling coverage of the latest 2020 election polls.

Gino Spocchia30 October 2020 09:17

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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