An astronomer has discovered the universe for a possible message from its creator

An astronomer has discovered the universe for a possible message from its creator

The universe is a mysterious place. We don’t know why it exists, and there are so many unanswered questions to answer. But what if it was created by an intelligent entity, on purpose? Is there any way we can find out?

In 2005, A pair of physicists suggested that if there was a Creator, they could encode a signal in the background radiation of the universe, when light was first illuminated to flow freely in space. This light The background of the cosmic microwave (CMB).

Now, Michael Hippke, an astronomer at the Sonberg Observatory and Brethroth Listen in Germany, has set out in search of this message, translating temperature changes in the CMB into a binary bit stream.

What he got seems to be in vain.

There has been a hippie paper describing his discoveries and discoveries Uploaded to pre-printed print server RXIV, (And thus is yet to be peer-reviewed); The work involves a bitstream so that other interested parties can study it for themselves.

The microwave background of the universe is an incredibly useful remnant of the early universe. This is about 380,000 years later The Big Bang. Before that, the universe was completely dark and dim, so hot and dense that atoms could not form; Protons and electrons were flying around in the form of ionized plasma.

As the universe cools and expands, those protons and electrons can combine to form neutral hydrogen atoms, which we call the age of rebirth. Space became clear, and light could travel independently through it for the first time.

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This first light is still to be found today, albeit in a very familiar, familiar place. CMB Because the early universe was not uniform, density variations in the re-establishment era are now CMB. In very slight fluctuations in temperature.

Because of this ubiquity, theoretical physicists Stephen Sue University of Oregon and Anthony Z. Santa Barbara of the University of California argues – in full theory – that CMB Create a complete billboard with this message on it that will be visible to all the technological civilizations of the universe.

“Our work does not in any way support the intelligent design movement.” He wrote in his 2006 paper“But asks and tries to answer, the purely scientific question of what the medium and message could be if there really was a message.”

He proposed that the CMB A binary message can be encoded in temperature variations. This is what Hipk has tried to find – first by addressing the claims made by Hsu and Zee, and then by using the data to try and figure out the message.

“[Hsu and Zee’s] The idea was, first, that the universe was created because of something superior. Second, the Creator really wanted to inform us that the universe was created on purpose. ” Hipke wrote.

“Then, the question is: how will they send a message? CMB is the obvious choice, because it is the largest billboard in the sky, and visible to all technological civilizations. Xu and Zee continue to argue that in a message The CMB will be the same for all observers of space and time, and the content of the information can be reasonably large (thousands of bits). “

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There are hippies out there, there are many problems with these claims. The first is that the CMB is still cold. It started at about 3,000 Kelvin; Now, 13.4 billion years later, it’s 2.7 Kelvin. As the universe ages, so does the CMB. This may take another 10 years (10 years)40), But the CMB. Will fade.

Aside from that, Physicists returned in 2006In response to Sue and Zee’s paper, it is highly likely that the CMB The sky will look the same for different observers in different places. In addition, Hipke argued that due to the foreground emission from the airwaves, we could not see the entire CMB. And we have only one sky to measure, which presents one Internal statistics uncertainty In every cosmic observation we do.

Based on these constraints, Hipke estimates that the content of the information will be much less than what Husu and Zee proposed – only 1000 bits. This gave him a good framework for the actual search of the message.

Both the Planck Satellite and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observed and recorded temperature fluctuations in the CMB. It was from these datasets that Hipk made his bitstream, comparing the results from each dataset to find matching bits.

The first 500 bits of the message are illustrated below. The black values ​​were the same in both Planck and WMAP datasets, and are considered accurate with 90 percent probability. Value in red deviation; Hippak chose Planck’s values, and they are only 60 percent accurate.

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(M. Hipke, RXV, 2020)

Changing prices, he found, did not improve the situation. Searching the online encyclopedia of integer sequences did not yield any tangible results nor did it change the statistics to predict the infinite future.

“I didn’t find any meaningful message in the actual bit-stream.” Hipke wrote.

“We can conclude that there is no clear message in the CMB sky. Yet it is unclear whether there was a creator, whether we live in a simulation, or whether this message is correct in the previous section. Has been published, but we have failed to understand it. “

Whether or not there is an alternative, the CMB has a lot to tell us, as Sun and Ji were nicely noted in the 2005 response.

“CMB refers to the collection of information about the structure of the celestial universe and the nature of physics at potentially high energy levels.” Written by physicists Douglas Scott and James Zibin Of the University of British Columbia.

“The universe itself has left a message for us.”

The hippocampus paper can be read in full arXiv.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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