Black voters challenge Donald Trump’s election results – we have a tough target for the presidential election

Black voters challenge Donald Trump’s election results – we have a tough target for the presidential election

The long branch of reversing President Donald Trump’s election is focused on disqualifying votes in Philadelphia, Detroit and other heavily democratic cities, an effort that, if successful, will divide countless black voters.

While the Trump campaign says it is only targeting areas where fraud is most likely to occur, the president’s attempt to cling to power has been racially criticized by Democrats. The president’s lawyers have not presented evidence of widespread fraud in court and have had little success with their legal challenges so far.

President-elect Bob Barr, Biden’s campaign legal adviser, said Friday that “African-American community is not the goal of the community.” “It simply came to our notice then. This is very, very disturbing. ”

Katrina Pearson, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, said the goal was to protect the legitimacy of the election and protect the vote of every legitimate voter, including black voters. The highest irregularities are in the most populous and majority democracies.

“Democrats have used and misused the black vote for decades for their own political gain, and their behavior proves that nothing has changed,” Pearson said. He added that Trump received more support from the black community in total votes than any other candidate in the modern history of the Republican Party.

Trump’s focus on cities with large black populations is focused on the fact that his re-election was largely lost outside the urban centers of war-torn states. In suburban counties in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Biden improved his margin of victory by about 6 percentage points, compared to Hillary Clinton in 2016 or a combined 361,000 votes.

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In urban counties with a population of more than 1 million, Biden’s margin was only 1.6 points, or 193,000, more than Clinton’s.

In the hottest rival state, Pennsylvania, suburban voters alone were enough to move the state to Biden. Urban voters were not alone.

Detroit Battle

But Trump and his allies are not fighting the election results in the suburbs. The racial tone of his fight is most evident in Detroit, which is 79% black.

On Tuesday, two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers initially refused to verify the Nov. 3 election results, raising the possibility of a vote in Detroit. According to the Detroit Free Press, the board’s Republican chairwoman, Monica Palmer, said during the debate that she would be open to voting in “communities other than Detroit.”

Lonnie Scott, executive director of the Liberal advocacy group Progress Michigan, noted that conflict areas such as Livonia would be included, where the population is predominantly white.

“You’ve taken a black city out of a county and said the only one that is at fault or the issue is Detroit City where 80% of the people live are African-Americans,” said Reverend Wendell Anthony, of NAACP. The head of the Detroit branch told the board after the certificate was deadlocked. “You should be ashamed. You should be ashamed.”

Both Republicans reversed their positions after criticism and agreed to validate the election, then tried to withdraw their votes after the president called Palmer.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, gave an interview on MSNBC. The board’s first vote was an attempt to fix black voters on the basis of “clerk errors only” and not widespread evidence of fraud.

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“With the vote in Michigan, we’re still in full swing,” Benson said. “We are certainly not allowing any indiscriminate biased attempt to position African-American voters in this way.”

The highest turnout

After losing or withdrawing litigation in several states, Trump is pursuing a Republican-led state legislature to persuade voters to back down and make a legally dubious and impossible attempt at re-election. To secure him, he was honored by voting for several select colleges.

He met with GOP leaders from the Michigan state legislature at the White House on Friday. But after the meeting, Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House Speaker Lee Chatfield said they had not yet seen any reason to change the election results.

“We have not yet been informed of any information that could alter the outcome of the election in Michigan,” he said in a joint statement. “We will follow the law and the general procedure for Michigan voters.”

Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who has taken legal action to challenge the election results, has repeatedly pointed to Philadelphia, Detroit and other cities where the campaign is trying to disable votes by a history of electoral fraud by corrupt political machines. Is He said without any evidence that there was a national conspiracy to rig the election, Democrats chose 10 cities where they could “control” workers and law enforcement.

“They did it in those places, so they can run away,” Giuliani told a 90-minute press conference in Washington on Thursday, adding that other Trump attorneys were involved in trying to turn the election around.

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“They didn’t take it to Republican places,” he said. “They have not done it where the law is respected.”

Christine Clark, executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, called the allegations “insulting” to black people living in cities.

He said, “They are not only targeting black voters, but they are also expelling black election officials and black election staff and suggesting that they lack the capacity to conduct elections like every other community.” Is. “

Trump defeated Biden by nearly 156,000 votes in Michigan and about 81,000 in Pennsylvania, forcing him to disable thousands of ballots to overthrow any state.

Mirna Perez, director of the Voting Rights and Electoral Program, said many of the vote-disqualification lawsuits were filed not by Trump’s campaign but by sympathizers, and those that were rejected or not returned were unlikely to succeed. Is The Brennan Center, a non-partisan law and policy organization.

“There is no evidence of these cases and they are completely out of line with legal principles, and I think the only conclusion that can be drawn is that they were trying to target minority areas,” Perez said.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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