US Election 2020: Trump supporters show Biden that winning in Pennsylvania will not be as easy as Paul says. US News

US Election 2020: Trump supporters show Biden that winning in Pennsylvania will not be as easy as Paul says.  US News

The extraordinary will of American politics is extraordinary.

Hundreds of supporters of President Donald Trump gather at the intersection of two small streets in Dallas, Pennsylvania.

It’s noisy, encouraging, but mostly temperamental.

Trump supporters at the Biden rally in Pennsylvania

“Four more years!” They chant. Horns honking car flags depicting Trump as the Terminator.

The hotdogs quickly made their way to the front of the managed DJ stand, dismissing the Village People’s YMCA.

Lyrics changed: YMCA replaced with Maga – Make America Great Again.

They had gathered not for the arrival of their husband but for another Joe Biden.

It’s Mr. Biden’s childhood yard – he grew up 30 miles away – but his message to them when he joins his latest rally – “Give up, this is Trump’s country now.”

Team Biden announced the event last evening with a famous proposal from Joan Bon Jovi.

But he had plenty of time to rally.

In the morning, Mr. Trump’s supporters gathered in large numbers for this small town.

Greg Brennan.  At 21, this is his first choice but he would have voted for Mr. Trump last time if he had qualified.
Greg Brannan would have voted for Donald Trump one last time if he had been eligible

One of them is Greg Brennan with the big Trump flag on the back of the big flowered Trump.

At 21, this is his first election but he would have voted for Mr. Trump last time if he had been eligible.

“I was reserving with him in 2016 because I was a little scared of his personality type … I’m ahead of this point but on the issues and the direction the country is going with Trump vs. Biden, I M. with Trump on all sides. “

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Close by, Susan Gillespie and Joyce Gabbard are confident Trump will win again.

“Landslide, it’s about to slip!” Joyce insists.

Susan agrees: “He is the only person who has true American values ​​and traditions and he is a great man and he loves our country.”

The boards split the main fault-line themes here: ‘Abortion is murder’, ‘Don’t ban fracking’, ‘Save our jobs’.

They are pushing the windscreens of Biden supporters’ cars as they slowly climb the hill for their drive-in rally.

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John Bon Jovi Biden performing during a campaign rally

There is no question that Biden’s rally on the hill, beyond the police siege, was a more cautious affair. Social distances limited attendance; Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online.

“As important as getting your vote next Tuesday is about the future of the United States, which I believe in,” the singer told the crowd.

He played the soundtrack version of his hit Who Says You Can’t Go Home ?, Livin ‘Pray’ and What You Do is a new song dedicated to him for the next part of the Crohn’s virus epidemic.

Mr Biden then thanked Bon Jovi for his support before moving on to his now-known lines: “Our campaign is a broad coalition. It welcomes Democrats and Republicans and independents. If elected President, There will be no red states or blue states, only the United States.

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“Ten days left!” He told the crowd. “Now is the time to go. It could come to Pennsylvania and I want to tell you that I believe in you.”

“I understand why some people voted for Donald Trump. He believed that he was not seen or respected or heard. Trump ran away saying he represents forgotten men and represents in this county.

“Then he was chosen and he immediately forgot the forgotten man … it has to change. It will change with me. You will see and hear and respect me.”

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Biden: We must be together

Mr. Biden is comfortable presenting himself here in Scanton as a working-class boy rising from the street; One million miles from Mr. Trump, Park Avenue, Manhattan. The so-called authorized child.

“The home is where your character is mixed, your values ​​are set, where ideas about your world and your place in it begin to form,” Biden said, honoring the crowd with car horns. .

“Everyone knows who Donald Trump is. We’re going to show him who we are. We choose hope over fear, unity over division, science over fiction and truth over lies. People, our democracy.” It’s time to dump her and move on. “

But remember, it was pure local democracy in the same place that was instrumental in bringing Donald Trump back to the White House in 2016.

In this suburban working class, blue-collar county – such a place is described as “unprecedented” – Donald Trump won in 2016 with 26,000 votes. He represents a 60% margin of victory for the entire state of Pennsylvania.

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A county who twice voted for Barack Obama has completely changed the political landscape and chosen something different.

Four years later, can Joe Biden crave them again? It doesn’t seem likely.

Of course, it’s hard to see the big picture here on the ground. For that we can only rely on the pollsters and they say Trump has lost.

But then there’s the point: he said last time because he misunderstood places like this.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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