US to announce UN sanctions on Iran despite allied differences

US to announce UN sanctions on Iran despite allied differences

The Trump administration Intends to announce UN sanctions Reissued Iran In the coming days, a month after the introduction of a “snapback” mechanism in the Security Council resolution on the Iran nuclear deal – but the move will be ignored by many countries, including US allies.

“We will return from the United Nations to enforce sanctions so that the arms embargo will be permanent next week.” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Said in a press conference with the British Foreign Secretary on Wednesday. “We are convinced that this is good for people of all nations.”

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Pompeo went to the United Nations last month to launch the “Snapback” procedure based on Security Council Resolution 2231 – “Iran Nuclear Agreement in Resolution”. The mechanism begins a 30-day countdown to the expiration or expiration of U.S. sanctions against theocratic regime, including a ban on weapons due to expire in October as part of a 2015 agreement.

But other members of the council, including China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany, have opposed the US move and appear ready to ignore it. He argues that since the United States abandoned the Iran deal in 2018, it is not in a position to launch a snapback.

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Germany, France and the United Kingdom said in a statement last month that “our position on the effectiveness of the US notification under Resolution 2231 has been made very clear to the President and to all UNSC members.” “Therefore, we cannot support this action, which is in line with our current efforts to support the JCPOA.”

He was then President of the Security Council The United States has refused to comply. But the United States has gone further and raised the question of what will happen when the United States announces that sanctions are being re-imposed and ignored by allies and enemies.

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The move is expected to trigger a credible crisis at the United Nations, which is due to convene next week. Pompeo did not elaborate on Wednesday but promised that the United States would “play its part this time as part of its responsibility to make peace in the Middle East.”

“We will do everything we need to do to make sure these restrictions are in place.”

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Reuters reports that Elliott Abram, the US special envoy for Venezuela and Iran, said anyone who trades arms with Iran could be denied access to the US market. Whatever happens, it is likely to enhance the relationship between the United States and other members of the international community at Turtle Bay.

Abram told reporters that the ban was lifted Saturday night at 8 p.m.

“If other nations don’t follow through,” he said, “I think they should be asked … don’t they think they are undermining the structure of UN sanctions?” ”

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Pompeo, meanwhile, said Wednesday that the United States was pursuing a “maximum pressure” strategy against Iran.

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“I think anyone who has looked at the financial situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran today has the fact that they no longer have the resources to send Hezbollah and Shiite militias to all the places for which they have paid for nefarious activities. Have spent. In all these years, these resources have dwindled, their potential to harm the world has diminished, ”he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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