Why does Trump want Sudan to befriend Israel?

Why does Trump want Sudan to befriend Israel?
Trump threatens to fly Israeli and Sudanese flags

In the wake of Sudan’s frustrating economy – a booming economy, rising hyperinflation and a nationwide food crisis – the administration of US President Donald Trump and the Israeli government have had a chance.

The country’s democratic aspirations have come to a standstill, 18 months after non-violent demonstrations to defeat their longtime ruler, Omar al-Bashir.

But if Sudan recognizes Israel, then the United States will remove it from state sponsors on the terrorist list, paving the way for necessary economic stability measures.

"After seizing power on a military coup in 1989, President Bashir turned Khartoum into a global center of terrorist jihadism."", Source: Alex de Wall, Source Description: Sudan Analyst, Image: Sudanese Prime Minister Omar al-Bashir welcoming a horse to supporters in 1992
“After taking power in a military state in 1989, President Bashir turned Khartoum into a global hub for terrorist jihadism”, source: Alex de Vall, source description: Sudan analyst, image: Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir rides a horse to greet supporters in 1992

It is a complex story dating back 30 years to the early days of Sudan’s Islamist government.

After a military coup in 1989, President Bashir turned Khartoum into a global center of terrorist jihadism.

Al Qaeda and other extremist groups have used Sudan as a base for terrorist attacks in the United States, Saudi Arabia, Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and elsewhere.

Following the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York in 1993, the US designated Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism.

CIA cooperation

International financial sanctions and military pressure from neighboring countries that supported the Sudanese rebels pushed Sudan to expel Osama bin Laden and other jihadists three years later.

Shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Sudan’s security services became a key ally of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

On that basis, Sudan should have been removed from the state sponsors list of terrorists.

Despite the celebrations held since Sudan's transition to democracy last year, US sanctions have not been lifted.
Despite the celebrations held since Sudan’s transition to democracy last year, US sanctions have not been lifted.

But members of Congress were enemies of Khartoum for other reasons, including the Battle of Darfur and human rights abuses, and the list went on.

And the Bashir government is still in the shadows: it has kept in touch with Iran and Hamas, and on at least two occasions Israeli warplanes have attacked convoys heading to Sudan’s Red Sea coast, allegedly. And took weapons to Hamas.

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In 2016, the Bashir government severed ties with Iran under pressure from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Yet since last year’s Democratic Revolution, Washington DC has been slow to change.

US State Department officials wanted to take advantage of one of their most powerful tools. And they were worried that the new democratic regime might not last long.

Senators block removal of terrorist list

The problem was that sanctions on Sudan could easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy, leading the country to condemn the failure of the state.

As long as Sudan remains on the blacklist, disability financial sanctions remain in place. Legitimate Sudanese businesses are crippled, foreign direct investment is banned, and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank cannot adopt a package to get rid of their huge debts – ieve 72 billion (.6 55.6bn) and numbers.

More than 860,000 people have been affected by unprecedented floods in Sudan this year
More than 860,000 people have been affected by unprecedented floods in Sudan this year

Today the level of hunger is terrible: UN classifies 9.6 million people as “food insecure”.

This Kovid-19 is made worse by closures and floods. It’s a crisis that can’t be controlled by eating and drinking – it needs a big injection of financial aid.

In recent months, a deal to remove the terrorist list has been slowly being paved by Congress over demands for compensation demanded by relatives of victims of al-Qaeda attacks in East Africa and Yemen.

Sudan agreed to a package of 5 335m. But in September, two Democratic senators – Chuck Schumer and Bob Menendez – blocked it because they wanted to open up the possibility of relatives of the growing victims of a 9/11 case.

The Trump administration is offering Sudan a way out.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Khartoum in August to offer a deal to Sudanese Prime Minister Hamdok.
United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Khartoum in August to offer a deal to Sudanese Prime Minister Hamdok.

During a visit to Khartoum in late August, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo offered a deal to Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok: If Sudan recognizes Israel, President Trump will block Congress.

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Following the UAE’s decision last month, Sudan, a member of the Arab League, will be the fifth Arab state to do so.

In the weeks leading up to the election, the administration’s campaign to normalize Arab relations with Israel will receive a major boost.

Recognition of Israel will be an important step for Sudan – that’s the real thing.

Good deal for generals

The most vocal opponents of the move are Islamists, who are now out of power. But it is controversial in the political arena, and includes many in the civilian alliance who have previously called for peace with the Palestinians.

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Mr Hamdok knows his coalition of civilian supporters is likely to be fractured if he decides to.

He told Pompeo that a decision on the issue should be awaited by a democratically elected government within three years.

Although Hamdok and his civilian cabinet are in office, it is the Sudanese general who wields real power.

With the support of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Arabia and Egypt, the chairman of the Transformation Council, Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and his deputy, Lt. Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagolo, known as “Hemati,” commanded troops and money. Are.

Sudan's General Burhan (R), who heads the Transformation Council, is among the officials who wield real power in Sudan.
Sudan’s General Burhan (R), who heads the Transformation Council, is among the officials who wield real power in Sudan.

And these are the generals who are dealing with Israel. General Burhan met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in February – without informing Hamdock – and the two are set to meet soon.

For General Burhan and General Hemati, the US-Israel deal promises international recognition to those they crave without the inconvenience of democracy.

That is why Sudanese democrats are demanding a thorough investigation.

When popular protests forced Bashir out in April last year, General Burhan and General Hemati took office. Two months later, his forces killed more than 100 protesters.

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This caused an uproar, after which, in a deal struck between the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, they agreed to share power with a civilian cabinet.

‘Different Issues’

The bottom line is that the military only tolerates civilians because they need international respect. The Sudanese people have not forgiven the generals for their cruelty and atrocities.

The older generation remembers Operation Moses, a secret deal between then-President Jafar Nimeri to allow Israel to evacuate Ethiopian Jews from refugee camps in Sudan in 1984. Nimiri was later accused of accepting millions of dollars in bribes from Israel’s secret service, Mossad.

Israel and Ethiopian Jews:

A chest of bureaucrats controls the vast shadow trading empires under Bashir, which is getting stronger day by day.

When the central bank runs out of money to pay salaries, it begs these generals for cash. If they are rewarded, Sudan will remain a cryptocurrency.

For Israelis, recognition by another Arab country is definitely a reward.

But for the young Israelis and their U.S. counterparts who protested against the massive atrocities in Darfur 15 years ago, they justified the men who ordered the militias to carry out the massacre, which is a morally dubious step. Is

Mr Hamdok’s position is logical: removing terrorism from the blacklist and recognizing Israel are two different issues.

He argues that Sudan should be removed from the terrorist list at the same time, because it has removed terrorists from its soil and because its democracy is defensible.

And if Israel is truly recognized as a democratic Arab country – it will be important to win.

Short presentation gray line
Short presentation gray line

Alex de Wall is the Executive Director of the World Peace Foundation at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in the United States.

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