Australia’s coronavirus center files no new cases as US and Western Europe struggle to contain pandemic

Australia’s coronavirus center files no new cases as US and Western Europe struggle to contain pandemic

Announcing the ban at a news conference on Monday, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said that from 11:59 pm on Tuesday, Melbourne residents would be allowed to leave their homes and most of the state’s business people would be affected. Can reopen with restrictions.

“With 0 cases and so much testing, we are able to say that it is time to open up. Now is the time to congratulate every Victorian who has banned this course,” said Andreas. Said.

The remarkable milestone in any new case comes just months after Andrews declared a “state of disaster” to prevent the scourge, which saw about 725 people in the state test positive for the virus. In the same day.

The sharp decline in cases has allowed the government to take major measures on social distances that have been going on for weeks.

As the summer skyrocketed, Andrewsz introduced anti-epidemic varieties that the governments of Western Europe and the United States were reluctant to implement for fear of harming the economy and trampling on civil liberties.

From a public health standpoint, Andrews’s decision seems to have worked. While cases continue in Europe From sky light to record breaking levels And US President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Said the United States “Victoria seems to be doing just that,” he said.

East Asian governments, including China, South Korea and Taiwan, do not need to impose such restrictions because of efforts to prevent the virus, which focuses on testing and contact tracing, as opposed to wearing masks and following social distances. Guidelines with the preparation of their population, which helped prevent the epidemic.

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Andrews said Victoria was able to contain the epidemic because of the people’s willingness to suffer, to listen to science and to follow the rules.

“I cannot be more courageous today than to lead a state that has shown courage, compassion and character in carrying out this task. But it is not over yet,” he said.

“We have to be vigilant for weeks and months … until a vaccine arrives, it’s not normal. There’s just covid-normal.”

Under the comfort measures, staff are allowed to return to their businesses immediately to prepare for customers and take epidemic measures.

Some travel restrictions, including a 25-kilometer (15-mile) border and an internal border between Victoria and Metropolitan Melbourne, will remain in effect until November 8.

As of Monday, Victoria had at least 20,300 of Australia’s more than 27,500 cases and 817 of the country’s 905 deaths, but the number of active cases in Victoria has been steadily declining. In the last 30 days. The number of new infections has been in single digits since October 13 and last month it did not exceed 20.

The Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison congratulated the state on the decline in the number of Covid-19 cases and praised the Victorians for their “significant progress in reducing the rate of Covid-19 infection”.

“They have achieved their goal and made a lot of sacrifices instead of reaching those goals,” he said.

Morrison added that Victoria would open the state’s borders by Christmas. They were shut down as part of the federal government’s response to the epidemic.

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Winter lock

Victoria and its capital, Melbourne, are facing the worst of the Covid-19 outbreak this winter.

Andrews declared the disaster in early August as hundreds of cases were being registered in Victoria every day, while the federal government State borders closed For non-essential travel. The state government has introduced some strict social distance measures in the country, including keeping Melbourne’s 5 million residents in a seven-week shutdown and excluding almost all travel.
The decision was not popular with right-wing Andrews criminals who protested, He called her a “dictator” and said he was trying to make her a “gulg”. Business pressures and Prime Minister Morrison To reduce the pressure on the economy due to the lockout.

Andrew Wsz said on Monday that public health experts believed it was safe to do so, adding that the government would not be “pressured by loud voices” to reopen it.

Strict restrictions were imposed for some time, even in the state Case count And the number of deaths Began to leave.
With Late September, Cases have come down to double digits, allowing the government to lift Melbourne’s curfew.

Andrews had indicated earlier this month that authorities were considering lifting more sanctions if the trend continued in the right direction. However, a small group of cases in Melbourne’s northern suburbs prompted him to provide a “cautious stop” to check on more than 4,000 residents, delaying the reopening.

Almost all tests have returned negative. Andrew Wsz said health officials could now deny widespread community community transmission.

“It was important to wait for that to happen,” he said.

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The previous version of this story misrepresented the political credentials of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews. It has been done right.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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