Hong Kong’s opposition politicians have resigned after four disqualified posts World News

Hong Kong’s opposition politicians have resigned after four disqualified posts  World News

In Hong Kong, pro-democracy politicians have resigned en masse after four of them were disqualified by China under a law banning freedom fighters from holding office.

Officers in Hong Kong Four legislators – Kovac Ka-ki, Alvin Young, Dennis Kovac and Kenneth Leug – were expelled from the legislature for endangering national security, a statement said. Given.

Nineteen members of the opposition had earlier said they would resign in protest.

Alvin Yeung Nokok-kiu, Kovak Ka-ki, Kenneth Leung and Dennis Kovak speak to the media after being disabled.

The ban was imposed on Tuesday and Wednesday after four meetings of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People’s Congress.

China’s state-run Xinhua news agency said the organization passed a resolution disqualifying those who support Hong Kong’s independence or refuse to recognize China’s sovereignty over the city.

The new law also prohibits outsiders from interfering in the affairs of the region, such as any activity that endangers national security.

Wu Chi-wai, convener of the pro-democracy group in parliament, told a news conference:

“We are facing a lot of difficulties in the future for the fight for democracy, but we will never, ever give up,” he said.

Confirming his ineligibility, Dennis Cocock said in a news conference: “From our point of view, it is clear that our right to participate in fundamental law and public affairs has been violated and has failed to follow due process.” “

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Hong Kong Chief Executive Kerry Lam said lawmakers who failed to uphold the basic law and did not promise allegiance to Hong Kong should be disqualified on Wednesday.

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said it was important to uphold the rule of law and continue and improve the “one country, two systems” principle that defines Hong Kong’s relations with China .

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said: “China’s decision to arbitrarily remove pro-democracy Hong Kong legislators from office is a further attack on Hong Kong’s high level of sovereignty and independence under the UK-China Joint Declaration. .

“This campaign of harassment, insults and disqualification of anti-democracy activists undermines China’s international reputation and undermines Hong Kong’s long-term stability.”

The collective resignation leaves Hong Kong’s parliament with only pro-Beijing lawmakers, who already form a majority in the chamber.

Chamber elections in September Was postponed by one year By Mrs. Lam, who blamed it Coronavirus Ubiquitous epidemic.

But critics argued he was worried about winning opposition seats when more than 600,000 people attended the pro-democracy non-governmental primary.

Last month, Beijing made it a crime to insult or insult Its national flag, Something that has happened during large-scale protests in Hong Kong over much of the past year.

Protests began with opposition to the proposed – and later withdrawn – legislation, but were later expanded to include more democracy and criticism. ChinaAttempts to tighten control over the former British colony.

The United States has revoked trade rights granted to Hong Kong and other governments. Including the UK – Extradition and other agreements have been suspended in protest of the situation in Hong Kong.

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Analysis: Beijing tightens its grip

Persuasive Letters from Asia, by Tom Cheshire

The British government had earlier warned that Hong Kong’s independence was being eroded.

With this measure, this half rocky side was falling into the sea.

All members of the opposition in Hong Kong’s parliament have resigned after the government disqualified four of its members.

A decree came from Beijing and with it, the impressive end of political opposition in Hong Kong, for the first time since its handover in 1997.

The Chinese government today ruled that the region’s government could dismiss any member of parliament who violates Hong Kong law and swears allegiance to the region, without involving city courts.

Four opposition lawmakers have already been suspended and disqualified from running in the upcoming Assembly elections, prompting foreign governments to approve Beijing and Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong chief executive argued at a press conference today: “It seems reasonable to allow people who do not follow the law and do not pledge allegiance to the Hong Kong SAR to remain LEGCO members. . “

The four disqualified MLAs said they would consult their lawyers on the challenge in the courts and could face a case: Disqualifying a candidate from the election grounds is not the same as dismissing a Member of Parliament.

But the legal difference is perhaps minor compared to the larger reality: Beijing has control over Hong Kong, and that control is getting tougher every day.

Without any official political representation, there are only other places to protest.

This year, however, Hong Kong has not seen the huge protests of the past year – which often turn violent.

There are two reasons for this. Kovid-19’s rules prohibit aggregation, even as Hong Kong maintains daily case numbers in single digits.

Second, the comprehensive new national security law – imposed directly by Beijing – dramatically increased protest costs.

Anyone found guilty of “different” or “disorder” could face life in prison, and the cases could be tried in mainland China.

A cadre of the Chinese Communist Party has described the national security law as a “sharp sword” hanging over the city.

Today there are thousands of different ways to cut.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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